Logistics & Manufacturing
The world of logistics and manufacturing is unyielding and unending. Which means when something bad happens, it has the potential to not just derail production but disrupt the operations of the downstream participants in the supply chain.
Bigmate’s technology was developed hand-in-hand with some of the world’s biggest and most forward-thinking logistics and manufacturing businesses like Visy to capitalise on opportunities to improve process while decreasing operational risk.
Bigmate’s solutions are custom-designed to fit the push/pull of modern logistics and manufacturing using AI and machine learning to do the heavy lifting in real time.
What you can do in Logistics and Manufacturing with Bigmate
Reduce the likelihood of human vs machinery incidents
Bigmate’s tried and tested Warny™ platform allows operations to remotely trigger sirens and alarms and immobilise forklifts and machinery in real time by applying AI and machine learning to the operation’s camera feeds.
Every observed breach or near-breach is automatically documented for reporting and review.
Warny can watch for, capture and apply agreed safety equipment and exclusion zone alerting and reporting rules depending on the type of vehicles and machinery being used.
Optimise processes
Bigmate’s algorithms can overlay operational targets and expectations on top of operational behaviour, meaning it’s possible to:
Calculate time in motion for key processes
Evaluate staff participation and utilisation
See opportunities for change and improvement.